A MAN from Stoke Heath has run an incredible 635 kilometres in 100 days to raise funds for Prostate Cancer Research.

Matthew Hawkins began the gruelling challenge on May 10 and set out to run five kilometres a day, however he significantly exceeded this by running an extra 135 kilometres.

His father, two uncles and grandad have all suffered with prostate cancer but fortunately recovered from the disease.

The 26-year-old said his family members were his motivation all the way through the challenge.

“Some days it has been a challenge and a struggle,” said Matthew.


“Two or three weeks ago I went out at like 5am in the morning as I had a really busy day, I had a lack of motivation but pushed through it and thought of the reason why I am doing this.

“I ran a half marathon on Father’s Day as I thought the day was fitting to go that extra mile.”

With an original target to raise £150, Matthew is well over the £1,000 mark and cannot believe the response.

He added: “My original target was £150 but then I quickly upped this to £200 as a friend made a large donation. I then increased the target to £600 and now we are at over £1,000.

“I went out to raise some money, with not really any clue how much I would raise but to get that amount is just remarkable.

Matthew, a cyber security consultant counts himself a novice to the running world but intends to carry on with his hobby.

“In the past, I have run no more than two to three times a week,” said Matthew.

“I am set to run a charity 10k in October, so the running is not stopping!”

To donate visit Matthew’s JustGiving page.