WASELEY Hills Crematorium is going green with the introduction of vegan books of remembrance.

The new, ‘greener’ Books of Remembrance use a vegan-friendly cactus alternative as opposed to the traditional leather and sheep vellum materials previously used.

Westerleigh Group is rolling out its new books at three of its UK sites including Waseley Hills.

Matthew Brook, head of memorialisation for Westerleigh Group, said: “Books of Remembrance are a very traditional form of memorial, with beautifully handcrafted books which last for hundreds of years.

“Our partnership with FG Marshall is the perfect blend of traditional trades and modern values.

“Not only are our new books vegan in nature, but they are all being digitised too, so that people who are not able to visit our crematoria to view them in person will be able to view them from the comfort of their own homes, online.”