A PLANNING application for the first phase of the huge Perryfields development has been submitted.

Developer, Taylor Wimpey has lodged the first of its detailed applications to build homes off Perryfields Road.

It is looking to build 150 homes as part of its first phase which is located adjacent to the Living Space development of 60 affordable homes.

The wider development of 1,300 homes, which will be completed in five phases, was granted outline permission on appeal by a planning inspectorate last August.

The application also includes a 200-unit extra care facility, employment spaces, a mixed-use local centre with retail and community facilities, a first school, open space and recreational areas and sports pitches.

The development will be accessed from a single road from Stourbridge Road which will extend through the site with several private driveways and cul-de-sacs.

Each of the houses will be provided with private garden space and off-street parking and some houses will have garages.

The scheme includes 107 market homes which are two to four bedrooms and 43 affordable homes which includes six two-bed bungalows, 21 two-bedroom homes, 14 three-bed and two four-bed.

A planning document notes: “The proposed green and blue infrastructure on site is multi-functional, with a variety of plant species provided and the incorporation of a sustainable drainage system; net biodiversity gain will be achieved.

“Connections to surrounding open spaces, incorporating blue and green infrastructure is also provided in the northern open space.

“The proposals include new open space whilst maintaining the existing landscape planting, wherever possible.

“The proposed open areas will offer a variety of spaces and create a sense of place, with new landscaping and habitat creation.

“Attractive mix of both formal and more naturalistic planted areas.

“The green corridors encompassing the site provide important connections between key spaces and a natural buffer to existing uses.

“In future phases the open space will connect to a formal play area to the west.”

The application site, named ‘BROM2’ is allocated in the Bromsgrove District Local Plan for housing. 

The planning document adds: “The application supported by this statement will deliver part of the Bromsgrove Town Expansion.

“In particular the application will deliver the first of five phases, comprising of comprehensive residential development adjacent to properties along and off Stourbridge Road and Perryfields Road.”

A Taylor Wimpey spokesperson said: “We have submitted a reserved matters planning application to Bromsgrove District Council for the first phase of our proposed development off Perryfield Road.

“As well as a variety of new homes to suit a range of needs, our plans for phase one include areas of public open space for residents and the wider community to enjoy. We’d like to thank local residents for their feedback on our plan and look forward to a decision from the council early next year.”

A minimum of 15 per cent of homes in each phase will be provided as affordable housing, with an overall provision across the site of 30 per cent.