Sight loss charity Guide Dogs needs Bromsgrove locals to foster 14-month-old, trainee guide dogs.

As a Volunteer Training Dog Fosterer, you'll host a dog for six months during their training.

They're collected weekdays between 8.30am and 9am, and returned between 2pm and 3pm.

Laura Miles, a Guide Dog trainer based in Bromsgrove, said: "We’re looking for Training Dog Fosterers in Bromsgrove, who can give loving homes to our dogs as they complete their important training.

"Our dogs need to get used to lots of different environments as part of their development, so it’s not a problem if you have other pets or children living at home too.

"We ask that you have an enclosed garden, so our dogs have access to a toileting area, and that you are flexible with the times you are at home, as there are occasional weekdays where are dogs cannot be trained.

"This is a great volunteering role for anyone who’d love to have a dog at home, without the full-time commitment of a pet dog.

"By signing up as a volunteer Training Dog Fosterer, you’ll be helping more people with sight loss receive support from our life-changing guide dogs.

"If you’d like to find out more, please do get in touch."