POLICE have appealed for information after window was smashed and a rucksack stolen containing personal effects in Romsley.

The incident happened at around 3.07pm on Wednesday May 22 in St Kenelm's Road.

The offenders drove off in the direction of Romsley village – but the make/model of the vehicle is not known.

West Mercia Police want to hear from anyone who may have any information relating to the theft or that may have been in the area around the time of the incident and heard or seen anything suspicious.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police via the force website westmercia.police.uk, quoting incident reference 00255/1/22052024, or call 101.

Alternatively, people can pass on information anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555111 or by visiting their website crimestoppers-uk.org If a crime is in progress, people should always dial 999.