A “TRAGIC” death at a white-collar boxing match has led the city council to temporarily suspend the sport on its premises.

Worcester City Council revealed it had put a temporary halt to any unlicensed and unofficial boxing events on council property following the death of Dominic Chapman.

The 26-year-old had died after an Ultra White CoLlar Boxing Event at Tramps Night Club on April 9. 

The halt will remain until Worcestershire Regulatory Services has digested the coroners’ findings, and a review will determine whether the decisions will stand indefinitely.

A Worcester City Council spokesman said: “Our condolences go out to the family of Mr Chapman.

“Following the tragic incident, the city council immediately suspended boxing events on Council premises, other than events affiliated to England Boxing (of which, there have been none).

“This decision was ratified in March last year by the city council’s policy and resources committee, which approved the continued suspension until such time that the outcome of the coroner’s inquest and subsequent investigations can be reviewed to inform a further report to be presented to committee.

“Matters remain ongoing, and an investigation under the Health and Safety at Work Act will be undertaken by Worcestershire Regulatory Services once the Police have concluded their investigations.”

Worcestershire's senior Coroner, David Reid, had concluded Mr Chapman suffered a punch during the second round of his fight with James Bradley, which caused his death. 

At the time of the inquest, Mr Reid said: “This inquest had raised wider concerns - boxing is different to many other sports in that competitors are aiming blows at their opponent's head and body, and so the risk of significant injury is significant.

“Since 2017, there have been three deaths in Ultra Events Ltd events, and yet white-collar boxing is unregulated.

“It is not up to myself to offer a view as to whether it should be regulated but I will be writing to the secretary of state for culture, media and sport asking her to review white collar boxing in this country."