Bromsgrove candidates standing in the upcoming general election have shared their list of priorities if they were to become MP. 

Residents will take to the polls across the borough on Thursday, July 4, to vote for the next MP to represent them. 

Candidates have spoken about their ambitions and goals as they battle to win votes from constituents.

This is what each candidate will prioritise if elected. The list is in alphabetical order. 

Sam Ammar - Independent 

Sam Ammar (left) with musician and poet Spoz (right)Sam Ammar (left) with musician and poet Spoz (right) (Image: Handout)

Local councillor Sam Ammar is running as an independent in the parliamentary elections. Currently serving as a district councillor for Charford and in her second term as Chairman of Bromsgrove District Council, Sam was re-elected with unanimous support from all parties. She believes this re-election demonstrates her ability to collaborate across party lines for the betterment of residents.

Sam's educational background includes a BA in Tourism Business Management from Birmingham University, an MSc in Global Marketing from Liverpool University, and a Digital Diploma from Ireland. As a successful entrepreneur, she founded a marketing company that has executed projects for multinational brands in 12 countries. Fluent in Arabic, Sam exports professional services to the Middle East and aims to attract Direct Foreign Investment to Bromsgrove District if elected. 

Previously chairing the Bromsgrove Labour Party and serving as a Labour councillor, Sam's independent status allows her to vote on Bromsgrove issues without party influence. She promises to establish a digital platform for residents to vote on parliamentary issues before she makes decisions. Sam resides in Bromsgrove with her husband and two children.


  • Attracting direct foreign and national investment into Bromsgrove
  • Parliament policy digital voting platform
  • Assessment of green belt
  • Opposing tax on private education
  • Increase in services in the Princess of Wales Hospital - out-of-hours GP surgery
  • Opposing trade deals undercutting British farmers
  • Private Bill - Government-backed interest-free 20-year home insulation loans

Glen Brampton - Reform UK 

Glen Brampton Glen Brampton (Image: Handout)

I was born in Bromsgrove and having lived in Solihull for a number of years, two years ago made the move back to the Bromsgrove area and am now incredibly proud to call this place home. I enjoy spending time walking across our glorious part of Worcestershire, including the Lickey, Waseley and Clent hills.

Over recent years I have become disillusioned with our politicians in Westminster.  I strongly believe that their values, priorities and opinions bear no resemblance to the people living and working in our part of Worcestershire.

I'm not a career politician. I currently run a small business providing support in the logistics services sector. I am standing to encourage a return of common sense.  The last few years have seen a progression of issues that are impossible to ignore.

  • New housing schemes without the necessary additional infrastructure such as schools and doctors.
  • Taxes rising without any plan to reduce government wasteful spending
  • Public services strained due to uncontrolled immigration

With clear thinking and positive energy, we can undo the damage that has been inflicted on us by the incompetence of our current leaders.

Neena Gill - Labour Party 

Neena Gill Neena Gill (Image: Handout)

As a lifelong Labour member, I’m honoured to be the Bromsgrove candidate. I know the area well, having first been elected to represent the West Midlands in Europe in 1999.

So many people here tell me they’re frustrated at being neglected and finding it harder to manage. So many issues come up daily on the doorstep; GP appointments, NHS accessibility, visible policing, transport links and opportunities for young people.

But the issue that comes up most is lack of identification with their once proud thriving market town. The sense of disconnection from the town centre and the uncoordinated housing developments are a nightmare for local people.

Housing is my profession and my passion. As an experienced housing association CEO, I know that well-planned developments can transform areas, build communities and deliver security. Houses only become homes with the right amenities like schools, health centres and shops. They need reliable public transport and decent roads.

Young adults are struggling to get their own homes. Mortgages and rents are sky-high. There’s not enough affordable housing. Without a stable home, people feel insecure and hopeless.

Labour plans to change our country for the better. For me, this starts with homes where we can thrive; at school, in our jobs and our retirement.

David Nicholl - Liberal Democrats 

David NichollDavid Nicholl (Image: Handout)

Hardworking local NHS doctor David Nicholl is standing to be your next MP at the General Election on July 4.

David and his wife Suzanne have lived in the Bromsgrove constituency for over 20 years. They brought up their 3 children in the area, who all attended local state schools.

Working as a front-line doctor in the NHS throughout the Covid pandemic, David knows how vital it is to protect local services.

Elected as a Bromsgrove District Councillor in 2023, David sees first-hand the issues we are facing and has a track record of helping people, including fighting successfully against building in our Green belt in Stoke Prior to saving a gym in Hagley.

David’s top priorities for Bromsgrove are:

•   Save the NHS

•   Tackle traffic congestion

•   Protect our local Green Belt

David said: "It’s time for change. Residents across Bromsgrove want a MP who lives locally, understands our issues and puts Bromsgrove first- not someone parachuted in from outside the constituency.

"If elected, I’ll be Bromsgrove’s man in Westminster, not Westminster’s man in Bromsgrove. I care about this community because I live here. I will always fight for a better deal for you and your family."

Bradley Thomas - The Conservative Party 

Bradley ThomasBradley Thomas (Image: Handout)

I’m standing to be your MP so that I can represent the area that I call home. Born and raised in Worcestershire, I’ve lived in our area all of my life and I’ve spent the last few years campaigning to improve quality of life across Worcestershire.

Whilst politics has been through its up and downs, particularly as a result of Covid, which saw the government borrow £400bn to pay for financial support including furlough schemes that protected millions of jobs, I have a strong record of delivering for local people at a time when it is most critical that your MP is in touch with what this constituency needs.

My contract with you includes a commitment to protecting the greenbelt at a time when Labour and the Liberal Democrats have both pledged to build either new towns or garden cities on it.

As your MP my focus will be to bring fresh investment into all of our communities including new employment opportunities, increased earnings, new police patrols that make our area safer and new investment in healthcare and the NHS.

This election represents the first time in decades to elect a truly local person as the MP for Bromsgrove.


Green Party candidate Talia Ellis and Workers Party candidate Aheesha Zahir have been contacted by the Advertiser, but did not get back to us before our deadline.