A schoolgirl from Bromsgrove has created a special garden in memory of her grandparents who sadly passed away. 

Rachel Wilkes, aged 12, has global developmental delay and hypertonia and is a pupil at Rigby Hall School. 

She got an allotment plot on Stoke Road back in January this year and has completely transformed the space into a relaxing and colourful garden. 

As well as growing fresh produce to eat, Rachel created the garden after her grandmother passed away in November. 

Her mum Barbara Wilkes, aged 53, said she is "immensely proud" of Rachel and loves seeing how important the garden is to her. 

The full-time carer and mum-of-three said: "My mum died in November and Rachel was extremely close with her. It was really hard for her to lose her grandmother but having this space helps Rachel feel closer to her. 

"My mum absolutely loved gardening so to see Rachel take such enjoyment out of it is really special for us. 

"She works so hard on the allotment and has become a real part of the community. She even looks after the other plots when people are away on holiday."

The garden is in memory of her grandparents The garden is in memory of her grandparents (Image: Barbara Wilkes)

Ms Wilkes said they go to the allotment after school and often stay there until 7pm to look after the plants. 

The family has received a lot of support from Rigby Hall School who respond to updates on the allotment from Rachel and her parents on social media. 

The garden is sensory to support Rachel with the family also installing a duck house on the plot. 

Ms Wilkes added: "The school have been incredible. Some of the older boys have even helped make the plot signs and numbers for the allotment. 

"They really are very hands-on in the community and we want to thank them for their support. 

"Rachel is really proud of her garden and it's a lovely way to help keep her connected to nature and her grandparents. We are immensely proud of her and everything she is doing on the allotment."