An award-winning Worcestershire developer has called for immediate action from the new government to tackle Britain's housing crisis.

Horgan Homes, crowned the UK’s Best Small Housebuilder in 2023, issued an appeal today to the government, requesting swift measures.

Sophie Horgan, managing director of the Bromsgrove builder, said: "Throughout the campaign, Labour made all the right noises about housebuilding but committed to very little.

"They said they would turbocharge the sector and hit the ground running - but didn’t really explain how."

She added: "Now we need to see action and for this new Government to deliver what we need, and what the country needs.

"That’s a full-scale review of the national planning policy framework, support for SME housebuilders and making sure any targets meet local need."

“We would also like to see a review of how local authorities approach master planning for residential sites.

"This is an opportunity for Government to give councils the freedom to embrace a different way of doing things - by working with us they can differentiate themselves in a competitive national landscape and support the heritage, economic health and well-being of their communities.

“We have seen too many small housebuilders go under in the last year, thousands of jobs lost or at risk."