Alvechurch has hosted an art contest inspired by a popular self-taught Scottish painter.

Amateur painter Chris Miall took the top prize with his piece, 'Reflections on Life', having come both second and third in the competition in the past.

This is in the build up to an upcoming exhibition, which will feature a range of pieces from a community art group.

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The competition, sponsored by Kamal Khan and Spring View Care Limited, takes inspiration from self-taught Scottish artist Jack Vettriano, who is best known for his piece 'The Singing Butler'.

This is the ninth time Mr Khan has sponsored the competition for Pam's Art Groups, which sees budding artists meet each Thursday at Alvechurch Village Hall.

Judging is handled by Mr Khan's staff, residents of his nursing homes (Grosvenor House in Alvechurch and Tutnall Hall in Bromsgrove), and their families.

Every year, the top four images are put on display in the care homes.

Mr Miall said: "I was very pleased to win the competition on my third year of trying, and would like to thank Kamal for his support.

"His competition stimulates some very creative and diverse paintings, and the quality of the other paintings both on and off the shortlist is excellent."

An art exhibition featuring the competition entries and other works from the class will take place at the Village Hall.

Droitwich-based art teacher Pam McGregor said: "We always appreciate the support we get from Kamal, challenging the members to use their art skills to produce a painting in a style they may not have tried before and it’s amazing that after 11 exhibitions, the art being produced is as strong as ever.

"The diversity of styles means there will be something for everyone who visits the exhibition.”

Running from Thursday 25 to Saturday, July 27 from 10am to 6pm on Thursday and Friday and 5pm on Saturday, the art showcase is free to attend, with the pieces available for purchase at "very reasonable prices".