West Mercia PCC's meeting with the temporary chief constable had a focus of improving the police response to serious and organised crime.

The meeting, held on Tuesday, July 16, was a part of police and crime commissioner John Campion's 'Assurance & Accountability' meetings with chief constable Murray.

Their discussions were in light of the review by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service (HMICFRS), that rated the force's response to such crimes as 'inadequate'.

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The primary issue acknowledged was the need for police to strengthen relationships with its partners.

Chief Constable Murray reassured PCC Campion about the ongoing efforts to launch a stronger and joint action plan against serious and organised crimes in collaboration with West Mercia's Community Safety Partnerships.

Preventing crimes before they occur was a significant point of discussion.

The commissioner emphasised the importance of making lead responsible officers aware of preventative services they can utilise to minimise the risk of anyone falling into the criminal justice system and direct them onto a better path instead.

PCC Campion said: "As the public's voice in policing, I shared their disappointment at the rating received by West Mercia Police in its response to serious and organised crime.

"I was clear at the time, as I am now, that progress to deliver change will be a focus of regular and intense scrutiny.

"This latest meeting is just one example of that commitment."

He added: "Whilst it's clear the situation has moved on significantly, partnership working to stop serious and organised crime from happening in the first place needs to continue to improve."