ENERGETIC residents at a Bromsgrove care home enjoyed laps of fun when they got their walking boots on to raise cash for Acorn Children’s Hospice.

The residents at Cofton Park Manor Care Home, Lickey Road, even encouraged the sun to join them as they embarked on their sponsored walk. Resident Sandra Camelio, aged 80, completed record laps – with her total of 600 steps.

Sandra said: “I just love walking and it feels good to help the children’s hospice, it does such amazing work. It was also lovely to enjoy the garden in the sunshine.” The residents were joined by Julie Gough, who works at the hospice as a support worker as well as hospice befriending volunteer Sarah George.

The hospice workers said they were delighted with the mammoth effort, and it’s even inspired them as they train for their own sponsored trek of the Great Wall of China to raise cash for the Birmingham hospice.

Julie said: “The residents are truly inspirational, and we are very much looking forward to our challenge in China in May next year!” Residents raised £200 on the day for the hospice and are still receiving sponsorship.

Acorn Children’s Hospice offers specialist palliative nursing care and support for local children and their families.

They offer short breaks for children, therapeutic and psychosocial support, support for siblings and other family members as well as emergency and end of life care and bereavement support.

Community Relations Manager at Cofton Park Manor Wendy Sibley said: “Everyone at Cofton Park Manor is keen to support the amazing work they do at the hospice, and we cannot wait to hand more money over and even start planning our next fundraising event.”

If anyone would like to donate to Acorns Children’s Hospice or know more about Julie and Sarah’s trek, contact Wendy Sibley at Cofton Park Manor Care home on 0121 387 2722.