Data has revealed the number of homes that could be built in Bromsgrove under new government proposals. 

According to revised plans, the government wants to build 370,000 homes a year in England, and each area would have different targets to fulfil. 

All councils in England will be given new, mandatory housing targets to pave the way to deliver 1.5 million more homes over the next five years.

The proposals state that the new targets will mean councils must "boost housebuilding in areas most in need, helping more people buy their own homes, removing the largest barriers to economic growth, and getting Britain building again". 

The government said the overhaul of the planning system is aimed at fixing the foundations and growing the economy. 

As part of the proposals, figures from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have revealed that Bromsgrove is set to see hundreds more homes built under the revised plans. 

Current proposals aimed to build 386 homes a year in Bromsgrove but this target has now increased to 704 homes in the revised plans. 

Making the announcement, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said: "Today marks a significant step to getting Britain building again.     

"Our decisive reforms to the planning system correct the errors of the past and set us on our way to tackling the housing crisis, delivering 1.5 million homes for those who really need them.     

"And something I am personally proud of, our new flexibilities for councils will boost the number of social and affordable homes, and give working families a better route to a secure home."