The community came together at the end of last month to mark a historic town tradition. 

Bromsgrove Court Leet attended Avoncroft Museum on Sunday, July 28 for the celebration of Lammas. 

The tradition celebrates the crops from the first harvest and saw members of the Court Leet dress in their robes and finery to mark the occasion. 

The event saw the historic group take a tour of the site and perform the very important role of testing Avoncroft harvest-related produce including honey, ale, wheat and bread. 

All of the produce tested had been made either by the team at Avoncroft Museum or by local organisations with visitors being invited to witness the event. 

This includes the honey which comes from beehives on the site with the ale being supplied by Brew61, bread baked in The Toll house and the grain milled in the Lister Mill. 

In a post on Facebook, Bromsgrove Court Leet said: "All products were found to be wholesome and fit for consumption for the people of Bromsgrove and visitors to Avoncroft Museum. 

"We concluded the day with a lovely Lammas service taken by Rev Ray Khan which was held in the shade of the trees outside New Guesten Hall on the lawns. 

"We are always pleased to support the museum and uphold traditional rights and practices keeping Bromsgrove's heritage alive."