A community orchard in Bromsgrove District is starting to take shape thanks to a special donation. 

In mid-August, members of the Whiting Landscape team of Wildmoor Lane, delivered and planted four mature apple trees that they had "rescued" from a previous site they were working on. 

The donated trees have helped Bournheath Parish Council get started on their mixed fruit orchard which they hope will provide a community resource for residents to enjoy. 

The project was made possible thanks to Bromsgrove District Council who kindly allowed the parish council to use a section of the recreation ground to plant the orchard. 

The parish council hopes to add more trees in the autumn and winter. 

A spokesperson for Bournheath Parish Council said: "We are very grateful to Whiting Landscape for helping us to get started on our project and all the members of their team were very helpful and generous with their time and skills. 

"We already have some residents who are willing to get involved with helping to maintain the trees and we hope that current and future generations will benefit from the fruit."

The parish council said they also hope the orchard will help improve mental and physical health and praised the village's community spirit.

Bournheath Parish Council added: "Our aim is to make the recreation ground a place that everyone will use and a place that will enhance people's wellbeing. 

"Earlier in the year, we applied for a grant to install new equipment for both adults and children and although we were unsuccessful in this, we will keep trying. 

"Our summer fete demonstrated what a great community spirit exists here so we're hoping to build on that and to continue to improve our facilities."