MP Bradley Thomas celebrated all that Bromsgrove’s farmers and growers do for the nation on Back British Farming Day.

Wednesday (September 11) saw the country celebrate British farmers and growers who work through rain and shine to produce the delicious ingredients that underpin the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, food and drink.

Mr Thomas showed his support by wearing the iconic wheatsheaf pin badge during PMQs and attending the NFU’s Back British Farming Day parliamentary reception.

Worcestershire is a real microcosm when it comes to farming sectors, with 2,060 farms over more than 120,000 hectares generating £174 million to the economy, with 5,700 jobs on farm, not including allied industries and the wider food and drink sector.

Worcestershire farms also manage more than 5,300 hectares of farm woodland and help to maintain around 2,860 miles of public rights of way.

Mr Thomas said: “British farmers and growers do a fantastic job of providing the nation with high-quality, climate-friendly food alongside being caretakers of our cherished landscapes.

“With all of us relying on farmers three times a day, farming is the backbone of our rural communities and I want to say a huge thank you to the farmers and growers in Bromsgrove and the Villages for playing a key role in our local economy and of course our country’s food security.

“I am proud to support Back British Farming Day I will continue to champion our farmers in Parliament all year round.”

The NFU’s Back British Farming Day is an annual event aimed at celebrating British farming. Now in its ninth year, activity on the day highlights to government the importance of agriculture to communities and the economy.