A COMMUNITY group plans to be all the rage with a fundraising fashion show and discount clothing sale.

Bromsgrove and Redditch Welcome Refugees (BRWR) has organised the event in which refugees will model a range of women’s outfits from well-known high street stores, before they’re offered for sale at discounts of up to 75%.

All ticket sales will benefit BRWR, which provides a range of help for around 200 refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syria, who have settled in and around Bromsgrove and Redditch.

The group provides friendship and support, as well as financial assistance and practical help through a band of about 80 volunteers.

This helps families to integrate into the two towns, and to start to create new lives away from their war-torn home countries.  

The fashion show will be held on Saturday, October 5, at Bromsgrove Methodist Church Centre, on Stratford Road. Doors open at 1.30 for refreshments with the show starting at 2 pm and the sale following immediately afterwards. Tickets are £8 in advance via info@brwr.uk or at the centre, and £9 on the door.