PLANS for a battery farm on "magnificent" Halesowen green belt will have a "major detrimental" impact on the historic Illey countryside according to a countryside campaigner.

Grenergy Renewables UK wants to put a BESS (Battery energy storage system) on land north of Goodrest Farm, off Illey Lane in Hunnington.

It has applied to Bromsgrove District Council for a 3.79ha development with 60 containers with ancillary equipment.

A possible proposed site layout A possible proposed site layout (Image: Grenergy UK)

The firm said initial plans for more containers have been scaled down after discussions with local residents to address concerns.

Mick Freer, Honorary Secretary of Hales Owen Abbey Trust, has objected to the proposal saying: "If given permission, it will have a major detrimental impact in respect of the Hunnington community and the historic Illey countryside.

"It is in a prominent elevated position, very close to the houses along Bromsgrove Road.

"The access road, to the site, from Illey Lane, adjacent to historic Illey Mill and Public Rights of Way, would exacerbate this negative impact.

"The site will be seen from many vantage points in this popular undulating countryside, including from the Monarch's Way.

"Due to the topography, the presence of watercourses and areas of nature conservation interest, there is an identifiable risk of serious pollution from this remotely monitored site in the known circumstances of fires and explosions from such developments.

"It is a magnificent area and an asset of considerable public value and interest."

The proposed site locationThe proposed site location (Image: Google)

A resident of Bromsgrove Road objected saying: "The impact on the immediate residents will be immense.

"Securing approval for a modest extension to a house in the greenbelt is already very challenging due to the numerous restrictions in place, so this type of development seems outrageous.

"The infrastructure required for the project would be massive, including significant security measures such as floodlights and fencing. The potential impact on wildlife and the environment would amount to environmental vandalism."

The battery farm if given permission would be in situ for 35 years, after which point it would be decommissioned and the land restored to agricultural land.

Grenergy Renewables UK states: "Following the consultation and broader engagement, Grenergy have listened to concerns from the community and, as such, have sought a redesign of the site that would allow for fewer battery containers.

"Rather than seeking additional capacity or retaining the footprint of the site for future technologies, Grenergy have significantly reduced the site area by 30% removing the entire south-eastern compound and, leaving just the minimum area required to accommodate the necessary containers, now resulting in 60 containers and a footprint of 3.79Ha."

A bid from Anglo Renewables' for a battery energy storage site and substation on land which is part of Lowlands Farm, off Illey Road, next to the M5 motorway, was approved on appeal by the Planning Inspector.

Another appeal from Zero Eleven Limited for a battery farm at Illeybrook Farm on Illey Lane in Halesowen is currently being considered by the planning inspector.

Mick Freer said: "It is easy to appreciate the scale of transformation for Illey."

The application can be viewed on Bromsgrove District Council's website under the reference number 24/00960/FUL.