THE Arden Cancer Network’s Redditch and Bromsgrove user group is a group funded by Macmillan.

The group meets four times a year and aims to help improve local NHS cancer services. During our recent meetings we discussed the waiting times for mammography results, feedback from the group’s involvement in the cancer services peer review and information regarding the proposed radiotherapy services. The group has recently been active in updating the chemotherapy guide.

Information was given on the young person’s cancer group, the ‘Hello and how are you’ booklet and the mobile chemotherapy unit in Gloucestershire, which is a positive step forward for people living in rural areas. We have also been involved in the development of the information pod for the Alexandra Hospital, Redditch. If you would like to find out more about this group, or wish to join, then please book a place on our information and networking event for users, carers and people affected by cancer, on Monday, September 22, from 10am to 2pm, including lunch, at the Primrose Hospice, St Godwalds Road, Bromsgrove. To book a place please contact Patricia Hackett at or Samantha Ridgway at or on 0121 436 5315.