After the summer break (we have no August meeting) the club resumed business in September and welcomed a potential member, who had previously visited as a guest speaker. During August we had an enjoyable barbecue and a lively barn dance where the band Flowers Original was highly praised. The money from this is for president Penny’s nominated charities, Where Next and Alzheimers Society, and it was also decided that, after consultation with the refuge, the money raised in the previous year for the refuge should be spent on welcome packs for needy arrivals. Also members went for a pleasant walk in the Wyre Forest, followed by supper at a local hostelry. The supper club meets next for a paella in Stoke Prior.

Soroptimist International of the Federation of Great Britain and Ireland encompasses many countries abroad and this year’s annual conference is to be held in Barbados. President Penny will be there to represent our club. We are sure it will be a very enjoyable occasion.

Soroptimist International, of Bromsgrove and Redditch, is a service organisation for women from business and the professions, which meets monthly at the Foxlydiate Arms in Redditch.

Further information about the club is available from the secretary on 01527 545945.