I WAS angered by the article on the gates of the new Parkside and Meadows schools.

Unless it was the intention to generate controversy it was totally lacking in any consideration for the feelings of all the children of both schools who were involved in its design.

What better way to encourage the children to feel pride in their school when they themselves have lent a helping hand in its creation. Allowing them to work on the gates is, I believe, especially important as the gates are the first thing that anyone approaching the school will see.

They are visible proof of a school’s statement about the importance of the relationship with its pupils, parents and staff.

They are an inspirational work of art and as such should be treasured by the whole community. They are, after all, the work of our local children.

My congratulations go to all who were involved – do not be discouraged by the views of a few local “Victor Meldrew’s”!

The children, parents and staff who took part have contributed something unique within their community and should all be justifiably proud of their achievements.

Wendy Middleton, Bromsgrove